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  • Guys in Glasgow

    Men talk the most and have the most seats around the table when the world has to solve the climate crisis.

  • We need more female leaders in the fight against climate change

    Women are still underrepresented in climate change negotiations, as shown in a UNFCCC secretariat report presented at Cop26. As well as finding that women remain in the minority and are less likely to lead a government delegation, it also analysed speaking times at selected Cop25 meetings to provide insights on active participation. It found that “men were overrepresented… Read…

  • Women and feminist groups demand gender equality and inclusion of diverse voices at COP26

    Despite the recognition of distinct vulnerability of women and girls to climate change, women who are at the forefront of climate change, especially the women from climate-vulnerable countries and indigenous women were not present at the decision-making levels of COP26. Climate activists have claimed that COP26 is one of the most exclusionary climate conferences.


  • Sharing experiences: Women in leadership in the UNFCCC

    9 November 2021. The UNFCCC Women Climate Leaders Network, launched by the Chilean Presidency at COP25 in Madrid, organised a side event at COP26 on Gender Day. Participants and audience members shared experiences. The Network provides opportunities for women negotiators holding leadership positions in the UNFCCC process to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences; support… Read…

  • Network dinner at COP26

    Once dinner was out of the way, the tables were pulled together, and the members of the Women Climate Leaders Network gathered around for a storytelling session.

  • Reception at COP26

    Åsa Regnér, Deputy Executive Director, UN Women; Tarcila Rivera Zea, Indigenous activist, Founder, Chirapaq; and Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland

    The Network contributed to the Gender Day Reception hosted at the UK Pavilion on 9 November 2021 at COP26. The event included a discussion session hosted by FCDO Minister Wendy Morton, and contributions from Network members, including SBI Chair Marianne Karlsen (Norway), and for SBSTA rapporteur Stella Gama (Malawi).


  • Guys in Glasgow

    Men talk the most and have the most seats around the table when the world has to solve the climate crisis.

  • We need more female leaders in the fight against climate change

    Women are still underrepresented in climate change negotiations, as shown in a UNFCCC secretariat report presented at Cop26. As well as finding that women remain in the minority and are less likely to lead a government delegation, it also analysed speaking times at selected Cop25 meetings to provide insights on active participation. It found that “men were overrepresented… Read…

  • Women and feminist groups demand gender equality and inclusion of diverse voices at COP26

    Despite the recognition of distinct vulnerability of women and girls to climate change, women who are at the forefront of climate change, especially the women from climate-vulnerable countries and indigenous women were not present at the decision-making levels of COP26. Climate activists have claimed that COP26 is one of the most exclusionary climate conferences.


  • Sharing experiences: Women in leadership in the UNFCCC

    9 November 2021. The UNFCCC Women Climate Leaders Network, launched by the Chilean Presidency at COP25 in Madrid, organised a side event at COP26 on Gender Day. Participants and audience members shared experiences. The Network provides opportunities for women negotiators holding leadership positions in the UNFCCC process to meet and exchange knowledge and experiences; support… Read…

  • Network dinner at COP26

    Once dinner was out of the way, the tables were pulled together, and the members of the Women Climate Leaders Network gathered around for a storytelling session.

  • Reception at COP26

    Åsa Regnér, Deputy Executive Director, UN Women; Tarcila Rivera Zea, Indigenous activist, Founder, Chirapaq; and Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland

    The Network contributed to the Gender Day Reception hosted at the UK Pavilion on 9 November 2021 at COP26. The event included a discussion session hosted by FCDO Minister Wendy Morton, and contributions from Network members, including SBI Chair Marianne Karlsen (Norway), and for SBSTA rapporteur Stella Gama (Malawi).